Working with clients today, I saw it again and again: we are not what we think, and the process of getting to know ourselves entirely different from how we are accustomed to operating. Clients lie on my table and try to think their way to solving their problems, their “problem” being how they feel. Sad. Scared. […]
Present at Creation
My husband Peter and I just came back from a trip to France. We did the usual things tourists are supposed to do in Paris, visited a friend in a village called Pontigny, then hiked in the Alps in Chamonix. Driving back to Paris, I felt sort of guilty for taking 21/2 weeks off. That’s a […]
So what?
I was away for two weeks at some trainings in B.C., in the middle of old growth forest with trails in the woods, a stream running through the property, lots of good people. I think what I learned the most was how to talk about my work without even mentioning the name of what I […]
Words Matter
I should be used to this by now, but every time I teach a Writing to Heal workshop, I’m amazed at how profound are the results of some simple writing exercises. Last Saturday, I taught such a workshop, and all the attendees were also surprised at how structure provides the opportunity for creativity and depth. […]
Are You a Sissy?
I promised myself I would post a blog once a week; here it is a month later. Other than life as usual, what happened was a weekend in the Adirondacks, teaching almost every Saturday, and Mom turned 94. One of my distinct childhood memories of Mom was when she took me to the doctor to […]
Two kinds of self-awareness
How could the changes in my client’s body that I described in my last post happen— in a mere half hour, no less? How does one get from hunched-over pain to upright with no pain? To understand the mechanism, it’s helpful to understand something about how the bodymind works. We have two forms of self-awareness […]
Just a “miracle”
Recently, a miracle happened on my massage table. Well, it seemed like a miracle to the client, who at the end was able only to say “Wow” over and over again as she felt how her body had changed in half an hour. Truthfully, even though I’ve seen it countless times, it feels like a […]
Happy Birthday
This Saturday morning, I went to my Zumba class–loud salsa music, dancing with hand weights for an hour. Someone asked how I was, and I shouted joyfully, “I’M SIXTY-FIVE TODAY!” Until then, I didn’t know how I’d feel about it. The joy had started bubbling up when I saw the sun glinting on the bare […]
Your Balanced Nervous System Quiz
These days, it’s a given that we live with stress. Ordinary life is full of stress, and I don’t mean when something extraordinary goes wrong like illness or blizzards. Our culture sets us up for stress: our jobs demand much more than 40 hours a week; we’re supposed to work and raise families and be […]
Bodywork and Buddhism, Part 2
This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. This morning I lay in bed and “meditated,” flat on my back. A couple of times, I actually had to resist the urge to get up and get going; […]